Saturday, April 20, 2013

Food Frenzy!

I know, I know. It's been awhile, friends. 
Charissa's counting down the days to baby numero dos's arrival, and I am just laying low, a little busy with family stuff and a little blog-lazy. However, I have a remedy! It occurred to me that I had a lot of recipes and food pics not yet posted on my camera.

Some of them go back over a year, so I'm a little hazy on all the right ingredients and exact recipes.  
Bear with me as I try to recall and/or send you the links to similar concoctions. 

There are so many variations to raw veggie/nut burgers, and you don't have to tie yourself down to one recipe if you don't have all the ingredients. The secret's in the herbs/seasonings, so be sure to google search the ingredients you do have and try to make it work. 

I have a weakness for mustard and the burgers often get topped with either/or. 

Zucchini Pizza (with or without goat cheese)

Crust: Pie crust or tortilla of your choosing
toppings: tomato sauce, onion, zucchini, basil, goat cheese, sea salt and pepper
Bake crust (350F) till just golden brown, about 15 minutes. 
Add toppings. Eat raw or put in oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

These are our garden's zucchini yield. Yummo!

With mixed greens and mashed sweet potatoes. This meatless loaf is quite possibly one of the tastiest I've ever made. The ketchup just seals it makes it taste like good home cookin', because, well, it is.  

Asian Quinoa Salad w/ Pineapples and Chick Peas (not in recipe)

Love Pie (or cupcake, as it were)

Orange Pineapple Smoothie
(That's it. Add 2 peeled oranges, 2 cups pineapple and ice if desired, but no extra water. Blend)

Bananas and Date Sauce

Training for race? This will get you fueled and fired up. 

(Lacto-vegetarian recipe)

Chocolate Rawspberry Tarts
(Basically the larabar recipe molded into mini cupcake tins and topped with a raspberry)

If this wasn't directly helpful, maybe it whet your appetites and/or gave you some ideas for future meals.

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