How many doctors say that to us these days? Has anyone walked out of an appointment without a prescription or referral since they were, I dunno, a fetus? It seems an eye twitch or sniffle has our MD's referring us off to every specialist known to mankind and prescribing a ton of drugs so as to avoid any potential legal infraction.
However, that's what my husband's doctor told him a couple months ago,"Your in perfect health, Adam," after a routine physical.
Quite the surprising diagnosis, since, just a year and half ago, the doctor was singing a more durge-y tune. In 2010, Adam's blood tests came back not so good. His cholesterol was up around 300. Also, he was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (Sorry, honey), and headaches. Further, he had a series of dark moles that emerged around the sides of his face. I wish I had a close up picture to show--maybe friends and family can attest. But it was all sort of scary then.
What's crazy is that we exercised pretty regularly at that time. And I thought we were eating well. So what if the veggies we ate were cooked, wilted, marinated and almost mush, but heck, that counted, right? Well, if we're going based on medical blood tests, I'd think not.
Anyway, I kid you not, since we've been eating more raw, all of Adam's ailments have mostly disappeared. His cholesterol and triglycerides came back GREAT. His IBS and headaches are no more. And the moles? Would you believe me if I told you that even those shrunk and have mostly disappeared? Well they have! And Adam isn't even as disciplined as me. He's also lost about twenty pounds . . .with little effort and even less exercise from before.
Back to Adam's routine appointment. After all the results were confirmed, it was kind of shocking to hear the doctor ask Adam what he was doing to maintain his health . . .as in, the doctor was interested.
"Tell me more about these smoothies and this superfood chlorella that you're taking...Sounds interesting...I'm going to have to look into it."
Yeah. Pretty awesome.
And if you're looking for more reasons to be amazed, check this video out, Reversing the Irreversible, of about 40 people attesting to their own health transformations through a mostly raw diet.
It's sure nice to hear the doctor confirm everything that we've been feeling as of late--great, if not perfect (doctor's words, not ours!) health.
However, that's what my husband's doctor told him a couple months ago,"Your in perfect health, Adam," after a routine physical.
Quite the surprising diagnosis, since, just a year and half ago, the doctor was singing a more durge-y tune. In 2010, Adam's blood tests came back not so good. His cholesterol was up around 300. Also, he was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (Sorry, honey), and headaches. Further, he had a series of dark moles that emerged around the sides of his face. I wish I had a close up picture to show--maybe friends and family can attest. But it was all sort of scary then.
What's crazy is that we exercised pretty regularly at that time. And I thought we were eating well. So what if the veggies we ate were cooked, wilted, marinated and almost mush, but heck, that counted, right? Well, if we're going based on medical blood tests, I'd think not.
Anyway, I kid you not, since we've been eating more raw, all of Adam's ailments have mostly disappeared. His cholesterol and triglycerides came back GREAT. His IBS and headaches are no more. And the moles? Would you believe me if I told you that even those shrunk and have mostly disappeared? Well they have! And Adam isn't even as disciplined as me. He's also lost about twenty pounds . . .with little effort and even less exercise from before.

"Tell me more about these smoothies and this superfood chlorella that you're taking...Sounds interesting...I'm going to have to look into it."
Yeah. Pretty awesome.
And if you're looking for more reasons to be amazed, check this video out, Reversing the Irreversible, of about 40 people attesting to their own health transformations through a mostly raw diet.
It's sure nice to hear the doctor confirm everything that we've been feeling as of late--great, if not perfect (doctor's words, not ours!) health.
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