I love sweets! Sugar is a weakness of mine...as well as cereal, coffee, pasta, pizza and now that I think about it...food in general! I definitely would eat more of my three-year-old's snacks than even him! My cravings for sugar are so huge that if I did not have sweets ready, I would go out of my way to bake them to get my fix! Sick right!?!? No wonder I was so skinny. :)
Last week Noah gave up Chocolate almond milk. We had thought about doing this for a while. Finally we ran out and my husband and I just decided not to buy anymore. Now my son drinks water almost always. He woke up asking for the Chocolate almond milk and when we told him we did not have it he was upset for a bit but then he ended up drinking water. He never would ask for water and now he asks like three times a day for it!!! If we are thirsty we will drink and if we are hungry we will eat, we just need to put what is healthy in front of us for when we are. Actually, now I am at a point where it is rare for me to crave something. But last week we were on vacation and we allowed ourselves to indulge and now I am still craving the sugar. After a few days without it, I will be back on track.
I still have those cravings. How did I solve this problem...I DO NOT BUY THINGS THAT WILL TEMPT ME!!! I do not keep ingredients in my house, so I won't bake. I do not buy snacks...even kid's snacks, so we don't eat them!!! What do I give my child?!?!?! We do an apples with organic peanut butter, nuts, strawberries, grapes, smoothies, or any fruit. If I crave something sweet, I whip up some homemade ice cream for us. (See Melissa's recipe for ice cream) Yup he eats what we eat and does not feel deprived. It is out of sight and out mind for us.
Most of the time I only worry about buying sweets when I go to the store. It is much easier to resist the temptation of saying no to "goldfish" or whatever when just encountering it in the store. By not having junk in my house I don't have to battle with it on a daily basis because it's not in front of me. Eventually my cravings go away and by not eating any junk, I don't feel guilty. Having only the food I should be eating on hand only allows me healthy options. I actually bring food with me to parties. Sometimes I indulge, but If I have party after party, then I make sure I am not constantly putting poisonous foods in my body.
I started this journey to get thin. I was still buying snacks for Noah though and then I realized something...If it is not healthy for me it is not healthy for my son. This does not belong in our home. I can't be trusted with food, so to avoid eating bad food, I keep it away from me and my family. Now I actually crave healthy food!
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