One of the funny things I think most people experience when they go to a concert of a favorite musician or bump into someone of relative fame is the initial sense of star struck-ed-ness. Not that I have done so really at all in my life, but just imagine kickin' it all caz with Ussain Bolt, Michael Phelps or Gabby Reece. (Okay, these are just a few of my have yours) After the jaw-dropsy wears off, one hopefully starts to realize that the person on TV, the news--or Youtube, as it were--breathes the same air as us normal folk. And hopefully if the giddies don't cause adolescent paralysis, the mature adult in us can chat with and express that their gift, talent or service is much appreciated.
Such was my encounter tonight as I went to a free presentation delivered by Dr. Michael Greger just a few miles from my house. The backstory is I'm on the Rochester Vegetarian Society's mailing list. They send out notices about speakers, events and potluck dates a few times a month. I received the email about Dr. Greger's talk earlier this week. At first glance I thought it couldn't be THEE Dr. Greger, what with the short notice and the fact that it was free and everything. Then, as I perused the information over again, the shock and awe of it all had me jumping up and down like I was twelve again waiting for NKOTB to hit the stage. Okay, maybe not that ridiculous . . .but I was excited.
I've posted his presentation on this blog months ago, so to get to see him speak live was such a treat. Greger, along with several other doctors whose work I follow, all echo essentially the same things regarding plant based diets being key to preventing, arresting and reversing most of today's degenerative diseases. It's a scientific and medical paradigm shift that they (and I) hope more doctors will adopt in the coming years, especially as a first means of prevention and treatment.
I think the best part of the night was knowing that a professional, a doctor, was able to tell people the truth about health and wellness. No political or economically biased studies. No financial gain for any "specialized" training and advice. Nope...just the truth. It just makes me hopeful that more doctors will care like this in the future, so I don't have to feel like such a pariah when I go for a regular checkup and not know if I can have an open conversation with the very person who should know all about healthcare.

But don't take my word for it. Check out his presentation for yourselves.
Oh, and don't let these pictures fool you as Youtube did me. Dr. Greger is taller than I thought he'd be!
Well, taller than me.
(Which is tall.)
Such was my encounter tonight as I went to a free presentation delivered by Dr. Michael Greger just a few miles from my house. The backstory is I'm on the Rochester Vegetarian Society's mailing list. They send out notices about speakers, events and potluck dates a few times a month. I received the email about Dr. Greger's talk earlier this week. At first glance I thought it couldn't be THEE Dr. Greger, what with the short notice and the fact that it was free and everything. Then, as I perused the information over again, the shock and awe of it all had me jumping up and down like I was twelve again waiting for NKOTB to hit the stage. Okay, maybe not that ridiculous . . .but I was excited.
But I haven't even shared some of the best parts! After the presentation I got to chat with several of the folks that had come to listen. After a little while of exchanging some experiences and knowledge, many of them were asking me more questions. I felt both embarrassed and astonished that they were so trusting of me. But mostly I was glad to know that what I've been reading and doing is really an echo of all the free, real, and honest information out there . . . and basically what Dr. Greger had shared with them as well.
The slide says, "Who's #1 at Number 2?" It's about which nation is the most regular. Unfortunately the US is the most constipated! |
One man in particular sounded like he was ready to make the small steps of transitioning to a plant based diet, starting with smoothies. It made me happy because you could see a look of desperation on his face which spoke volumes. I told him that he "could totally do it," and shared Charissa's and my experience, which seemed to encourage him. He asked if he could just use a regular blender to which I replied, "Sure, you gotta start somewhere!" Then I told him about trying to invest in a high powered blender later...or sooner. Whenever the regular blender breaks. :)
Finally as people petered out, I was able to speak to Dr. Greger myself. Which is what I really hoped to do, as I had some questions for him of my own. Since March I have been riding the hormonal roller coaster that is weaning. (WHY is there not more information about this major life *crisis* event anywhere?!), and hoped he would have some professional advice to both help me out and share with our blog readers. While not earth shattering for the health conscious, he did not disappoint.
I told him my symptoms: headaches, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, bloating, weight gain--all characteristic of the hormonal shifts of weaning. Also, I told him my diet has been fluctuating from lacto-ovo vegetarianism to the Standard American Diet. And he simply yet gently told me what I already knew but needed to hear again . . .clean it up. "Knowing what you're putting into your body is your first line of defense," he said. And he's right.
My personal resolve told me in the midst of our conversation: Forget about social acceptance. Forget about worrying about other peoples' feelings when it comes to gathering around food. At least for now. There are so many delicious raw and vegan recipes out there to be shared...keep striving, making and sharing them!
Lastly I asked Dr. Greger if the effects of the hormonal shifts from weaning just needed to be "ridden out," to which he seemed to concede. Sigh. Sorry, moms. I thought I'd have more to tell you. But he did give me some doctor's orders for treating the insomnia...and you're never going to guess the prescription!
Two kiwi fruit an hour before bedtime.
I mean, really . . .what could be better on a prescription note than a list full of whole foods? You know, medicine with no side effects...well, except to feel better!?!
I think the best part of the night was knowing that a professional, a doctor, was able to tell people the truth about health and wellness. No political or economically biased studies. No financial gain for any "specialized" training and advice. Nope...just the truth. It just makes me hopeful that more doctors will care like this in the future, so I don't have to feel like such a pariah when I go for a regular checkup and not know if I can have an open conversation with the very person who should know all about healthcare.
But don't take my word for it. Check out his presentation for yourselves.
Oh, and don't let these pictures fool you as Youtube did me. Dr. Greger is taller than I thought he'd be!
Well, taller than me.
(Which is tall.)
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