Wednesday, August 1, 2012

GMO-O-O-OMG! . . .An FYI

The title was meant to be cute. But enough alphabet soup already.  It's hard enough to decipher which produce to eat regarding organic or conventional, but with the recent onslaught of GM (genetically modified) products within the last couple of decades, it might be better to refrain from those veggies altogether, right? 

Well, in the dozens of articles that I've read on the subject, the following one was probably the most concise and helpful in understanding what Genetically Modified Organisms are, why they are a problem (Hello, peanut, gluten and everything-allergy and health epidemics!) and what is being done. Better Nutrition is a decent mag that I get at my health food store, but as you can see, all the articles are online, too. 

Hope this helps put things into perspective. 

Also, below Robyn O'Brien shares her story about why she crusades for the truth about the food industry in America.  She was an unlikely candidate to do so, since she worked as a financial analyst for the food industry. The impetus? Bewilderment as to why her children contracted allergies to food that she'd grown up on (or so she thought).  Take a listen.  

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