Which isn't to say that labels aren't important. Whether it's due to allergies, needing to lose weight and/or maintain health, we all know labels are markers to help people understand something that their body needs or requires. And, not only the label but the practice perhaps helps us along our earthly journeys under the cross.
But dangit all, once it becomes a mystical journey ascending the Chakra Rainbow, or hearing the universe speak to you, one must draw the line. Agreed?
You see, since Charissa and I began this health trek, it hasn't been all roses. Detox reactions, suffering through the cravings and some deprivations, social pressures, naysaying and essentially trying to stay focused are all experiences that come regularly if not on a daily basis.
No violins, please. There are are greater sufferings, to be sure.
But if we're putting ourselves on the line like this, why even do it? (I just heard about 80 kajillion readers-ha, wishful thinking-just echo that very question.)
In short, we've never been healthier. So the benefits definitely outweigh the cost.
Long answer? Because we can't "unlearn" what we know about healthy living and have personally experienced thus far. And, when I replay the unpleasant physical, mental and emotional side effects of the way I used to eat (and look) versus the unpleasant experiences getting to this point of eating more raw ... raw wins out each time.
I sometimes feel ridiculous talking about it because that "raw" or "vegan" label crops up and tows the lines of good common sense to extreme fanaticism. I mean, who doesn't chuckle when they hear a wide-eyed raw foodist sounding off with inexorable energy who seems preachy about this better way to living, connecting it to an ambiguous religious experience?
And yet, how enviable are they, too, as they look to be the picture of health and vitality? (Come on, be honest.) To be sure, there are benefits to being healthy; but anyone, no matter how clean their diet who says they still don't suffer, have stress, feel empty inside or in need of something more than broccoli simply lies to themselves and others. Not that I think raw foodists do this, but the whole foodie "movement" can certainly give off that perception.
And as far as chakras or other popular Hindu or Buddhist mysticisms, I'll pass. I'm rather relieved I won't be coming back as anyone or anything other than my whole, whole self after death. And further, that none of God's children will need to worry about suffering any longer when we are with Jesus face to face.
1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing
Until then, you'll just have to deal with our raw antics. And even if you don't thank us (or the professionals) one day for it, the greater hope above all else is that we will be rejoicing together in the marriage feast of the Lamb on the last day and away from this veil of tears.
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