Thursday, March 22, 2012

Inaugural Post

Eight months preggo
“Statistics show that in the course of a person's life, they tend to look and feel their best on their wedding day,” said a marriage counseling professor of mine. Given the context of the lecture, I understood what he meant. Though, with my own impending nuptials, I couldn't help but think that after our “I do's” Adam and I were on a path to a haggard, decrepit existence. I mean, I knew married life, pregnancy and parenthood would change our lives altogether, not just physically. But I was convinced that a certain sense of trying to “keep up” with our appearances throughout a lifetime was actually a good thing, and not just uber vain. And that's sorta what this blog is about.   

However, as our President likes to say, “Let me be clear:” This blog is not about vanity ... though vain anecdotes are sure to arise. In fact, this blog is not even about weight loss-- though dropping weight is certainly an added benefit. This blog is about getting on a road to better health, which encompasses all of the physical, mental and even spiritual benefits that have occurred in my sister's and my life because of it. There are a few philosophies that that we lean toward, but we fully acknowledge our limitations. So it is both ironic and poignant that we titled this blog, “Get Dense”, as it gives the broadest and narrowest perspective of what we are trying to accomplish in subscribing to a nutritionally and physically "dense" way of life.  And since food, time, health and money are important (to, I don't know, EVERYONE), we think others might like to hear what we have to say.  Especially since we have seen results in ours and our loved ones' lives.

77lbs lighter, 14 months after baby
Fast forward five years and one toddler later, and I am pleased to report to you that I am lighter than I was on my wedding day . . .and in college . . .and even parts of high school! Also, I feel great, have tons of energy (most days), and I can happily (and appropriately) wear skinny jeans.  Stay tuned, because Charissa's story is quite fascinating, too.

So, if you've made it this far, join us for what we anticipate will be a fun, funny (especially since Charissa's writing) and honest journey of how we are trudging through this life, we think, to better health. (And even some days, with a skip.) Remember, we're sisters, so the family dynamics just might emerge on screen.  Enjoy the ride.   

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, you look fantastic! Since I just became friends with you on Facebook, I had no idea you'd recently lost weight. I thought, here's just another skinny girl...

    I'm just starting out on my own serious weight loss journey myself (the freshman 15 was the freshman 50 for me) and your success is inspiring. I wish I could blame my bad behavior on having two kids, but I was already overweight when I got pregnant and only gained 15 lbs with both pregnancies. That's the only thing I've had going for me since gaining weight in college!

    Well done, you!


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