Many people have asked me what I eat like throughout the day. Each day it is different. This is just a general idea. I have between 1-2 smoothies a day to help clarify as you read this.
I will sometimes have a smoothie right when I wake up or organic cereal with almond milk and fruit. I also hate to admit it....BUT I am addicted to my large Dunkin Donuts ice coffees. I will be kicking this addiction in May when school is out with a 10 day juice fast. I will keep you posted on that. (A lot of times I have 2 a day! Uggghh!)
Here are a list of raw snacks that I pick on throughout the day: (Not all of them everyday)

Carrots with Hummus
Organic trail mix (non-granola)
Non raw: (limited to one time a day sometimes 2)
Nature Valley Granola Bars
One of my sweeter smoothies which still contain raw ingredients, but they may include chocolate/vanilla almond milk or organic peanut butter
Sometimes I do not even have a lunch because I am full from my snacks. Sometimes I will have a smoothie or I may have a baby spinach salad with strawberries and a sweet homemade dressing...recipe to follow shortly. Other times I like to have black beans and chick peas with 2 spoonfuls of salsa. My salad is loaded with baby spinach.
Dinner is different ever night of course. A lot of times they are cooked meals for Matt and Noah and I will drink a smoothie because I'm off to school. Meals are usually still heavy in veggies, sometimes cooked. We still eat meat, but have cut down dramatically recently. Sometime it will be a fish or chicken with gluten free brown rice and veggies. I like making soups like chicken, minestrone (with ground turkey) or lentil. My mother-in-law calls me the soup queen!. Although, I have not made it recently, I made my own home-made pizza dough. I'm looking into healthier recipes, but for now I make them on flax seed wraps and are so yummy! I just got my veggie spiralizer in today so I look forward to making more raw recipes with that...and sharing them of course!!!
I usually do not have dessert, but if I ever have a craving at any point in the day it may be my sweet smoothie with a banana, chocolate almond milk, and organic peanut butter. It seriously may be the best thing I ever had! I also enjoy the raw homemade ice cream recipe Melissa posted. When I have a sweet tooth though, grapes are great in a pinch. When I crave something smothered in garlic or salty carrots with garlic hummus works wonders!
I am still looking to add more raw foods to my diet. I just need to learn new recipes. As I use them I will post them. In a couple weeks I will be able to put more time into learning more recipes once the spring semester well as kick my terrible and expensive dunkin donuts ice coffee! :)