This is just about the most dee-lish-ee-ous dressing/marinade/dipping sauce I've ever stumbled upon.
And by stumbled upon, I mean read in one of my hippie books.
Which means it's healthy. And Detoxifying!
Detox! Detox!
Great results and great taste. (Any of you drinking the Kool--, um, Elixir, yet?)
Well, c'mon! Look at the ingredients.
I now give you . . . Liquid Gold Elixir!
Dun, Dun, Dun!
We've got our organic lemon juice (1cup)
Soy sauce (low sodium-Preferably Nama Shoyu soy sauce) (3 TBS),
Olive oil (3/4 cup)
Fresh ginger (3 TBS) and garlic (3 cloves).
Oh, and honey or agave~not pictured (1-2 TBS)!
That's it!
Blend up all those ingredients.
You're done.
Then, if you have one of those fancy Pampered Chef dressing containers, go ahead and put it in there. That way, when the oil and lemon juice separate, you can whisk it back together in a jiffy!
If you don't, who cares? Put it in a tupperware or something.
It keeps for a week.
It is so, so good. I've even sipped some by itself. LOVE that fresh ginger!
Enjoy it on salads!
And you can even put it on chicken and fish!
(Sorry. This post has lots of exclamation points.)
Looooooooooove. Fresh ginger is one of my faves!