Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Hiccup

This Easter was interesting. The day started off great because I hit one of my weight loss goals, and more importantly we celebrated Christ's Resurrection! We went to church in the morning; then went to my mother-in-laws for the egg hunt, food, food, and more food; then we went to my cousins for more food and socializing. Yeah, Let's just say I did not eat very raw or plant-based foods Sunday. Everything was pretty heavy and it was hard for my stomach to handle. I did not get sick, just a little dizzy. I ate red meat for my first time in a long time. Everything tasted great, but I do not enjoy it like I used to. It just does not taste as good anymore and it took a tole on me.

When I got home I fell right to sleep, feeling wiped out from the food. In the middle of the night I woke up feeling tingly from my body swelling up. Anytime I have processed food I feel it right away...BUT it is addicting. Monday morning I woke up craving sweets despite feeling terrible throughout the night. Noah had gotten a whole bunch of candy and I picked away! Arrrrggghhh!!!

So here it is Wednesday and I am just starting to get back on track! Did I fail? Absolutely not! Yeah, I put a couple pounds back on so it is frustrating, but I am not discouraged. I just need to juice a little more the next few days to cleanse my system. It's funny, because I do not crave unhealthy foods until after I have them, and then it becomes difficult to stop. I usually crave healthy food since incorporating more of them in my life. This is just a reminder to me of how addicting sugar and salt is and how toxic it is for my system. Back to more juice tomorrow, baby!


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